Thursday, August 10, 2006

Lamont v. Lieberman

It's probably obvious by now that I'm not a Democrat. I am sad to see Joe go...which is probably why he went.

A liberal friend of mine changed her vacation plans so she could be in CT during the primary and vote against Joe. She's anti-war and anti-Bush.

I'm sad to see him go because he's a man of principle...and also Tamar and I got 2 nice wedding gifts from him! (he went to my parents' synagogue).

On the other hand, I'm not sad. There are those who say that his defeat is a referendum on the Iraq War. It may very well be. It may be a time of concern for Republicans.

I don't see it that way...I see it as the Dems being further hijacked by the left wing of their party...which means that the moderates will be yearning for a solid moderate like them. If the GOP can muster the strength to get someone who is conservative on foreign policy and economic issues and a bit more liberal on social issues (stem cell, abortion, etc.) they could clean the clocks of the Dems. That's a BIG IF, of course.

I still think the GOP will come out ahead, it's just a question of whether it's winning by a touchdown or 6.

Could be wrong...we'll see, won't we?
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