Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Everybody's got an opinion...

It's a dangerous thing to have an opinion...ok, maybe not have it, but maybe to share it without thinking about the consequences.

In my case, these days, it's Doctors.

I spoke with one person who is a doctor. He asked..."who's your surgeon?"
I told him.
"Oh, I'd never go to him. I'd go to Dr. ____"
Five minutes into the conversation and it turns out that he'd never even HEARD of my surgeon.

Another one tells me..."you can only go to hospital X for your radioactive iodine treatment. They are the best."

This comes despite the fact that many others...including those who have had the procedure done have told me otherwise.

I know people mean well when they share their opinion, but sometimes we don't think about the fact that a 1 sentence comment that is carelessly tossed in another's direction can create a maelstrom of concern and activity.

Sometimes, I think, it may be better to keep your opinion to yourself...not always, but you need to think about the potential impact.
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