Saturday, August 26, 2006

The indirect strategy...

Read a very interesting "Futurist Fable" this weekend on a topic called The Jewish Energy Project, written by Tzvi Bisk of the Center for Strategic Futurist Thinking in Israel.

I like his basic thesis:

Oil must once again become a commodity on par with coffee, sugar, and tea (when was the last time the world was held hostage by the price of tea?)

I do think some of the ideas seem a bit far-fetched in their optimism for how things will play out.

I also disagree with the idea that Jews should lead the effort to destroy oil's importance as a commodity (it's a Western Civilization survival issue), but his key point is right on the money.

What he did, do, however was help me re-focus on something that-for some reason-I've lost sight of in the war against Islamofascism. If you take away the power of oil as a commodity, you effectively castrate anti-Israel/anti-American/anti-Western civilization forces by drying up their sources of funding.

What he's done is making me re-evaluate the strategy for destroying our enemies.

Towards the end of the "Fable," he writes, looking back:

The War on Terror and international Jihadism was not won by the direct strategy of armed intervention but rather by the indirect strategy of destroying oil as the major international commodity. This was a lesson America should have learned from its victory over communism and the Soviet Union. It was the soft power of American technology, science, economic freedom, mass communications and democracy that eventually brought the Berlin wall down and not the hard power of armed intervention in Vietnam.

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