Saturday, August 26, 2006

Banana Bread...

At lunch today, Tamar asks, "who wants banana bread?"

I declined. My mother-in-law says, "only if you're having some."

"Why does your desire for banana bread depend on the number of people consuming it?" I asked. "It's not binary? You either want banana bread or you don't."

"Well, if I know that Tamar is going to do the work and it's only for me, I won't enjoy it at much."

"So, it's a multi-variable equation?" I suggested. "The more people who eat it, the more you will enjoy it?"


"So, if n=the number of people consuming banana bread, in your equation, n must be greater than 1 (n>1). I guess the we should get a piece for everyone in the neighborhood. Then, you'll really love it!" She laughed.

"Of course," I continued pretty much caught up in my own enjoyment of the pontification, "there is another variable which is the size of your portion. I would imagine if we gave a morsel of banana bread to everyone within walking distance of the house, your overall enjoyment would decrease, since you'd only have a morsel at that point."

Tamar gave me the "ok, I think you've taken this issue beyond its natural conclusion" glare. My mother-in-law just laughed.

Needing the final word, I said aloud, "I wonder where the number of people line crosses the size of banana bread portion line...and if there are other variables we haven't discussed?"

I got the 2nd-and final-glare. Rumination over.

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