Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Coming Vegan Awakening

I  think the day will come when being a meat-eater will be viewed in the way that we view racists, sexists, or homophobes.

I could be wrong, and it could be the world in which I orient myself, but I am seeing a growing sense of awareness. Whether it's Impossible Burgers at Burger King or major grocery chains advocating a meat-free lifestyle, it's clear that something is happening.

Add in documentaries such as Game Changers that aren't evangelical, but science-based and there's some real evidence that the movement is growing.

I've been on a 97.9% vegan diet for about 4 years now.

Not quite 100% because I have eaten the occasional egg or two, don't pay much attention to eggs as ingredients in bread, for example, and still eat honey.  Working on that.

For me, the journey started off based on my own personal needs and goals, it was around diet.

However, as I've learned more about nutrition, I've also learned more about the philosophy of veganism which is really a philosophy of mindful eating. It's also a philosophy of compassion.

I've never eaten pork products, but when you see a video like this (and you know the same thing happens for all types of animals), I wonder how much longer people who claim to be conscious and aware (and probably love their dogs or cats) will justify their position. 

If you watch cooking shows, you'll hear comments like "everything is better with bacon."

Once upon a time, people would say "you have to wear a fur coat" or "whale blubber....whatever."

I think the Vegan wave rides the climate awareness wave.

There are plenty of ways to get protein (everyone's big concern) and stay healthy on a vegan diet.

Two people I like on Twitter are The Vegan Nutritionist and Ashwani Garg

I was at an event a few weeks ago where someone was roasting another person for being a vegetarian.

In the future, that kind of behavior will be frowned upon and restaurants like this will be boycotted.
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