Friday, October 15, 2010

Global Network. Global Consciousness.

The more time that I spend online (and it’s a lot), the more the power of networks helps me understand how we’re all interconnected.IMAG0059

Perhaps this technical understanding of networks has opened my mind, eyes, and heart to the biological network we inhabit and impact.

Back in June, I began composting and this post was originally going to be about the progress of that initiative.

So far, I haven’t really taken any mulch out of the “end” of the process, but what continues to AMAZE and astound me is how much food we are now recycling and how effectively nature recycles it.

Watching the insects at work is truly an appreciation of God’s handiwork and I am at the point where I don’t even care if I get mulch out. It’s just a great feeling to contribute in this small way.

But, while I was thinking about this post, I watched this fantastic video called How Big Brands Can Save BioDiversity and it made me concerned about the future that we all will inherit…and hopeful that, as more and more people come to the realization that our past patterns of consumption are not sustainable, that there is indeed a brighter future around the corner.

I’m far from a model of non-consumption, but, as Lao Tzu says, “the journey of a 1000 miles begins with 1 step” and my step is the one out my back door to the compost bin.

What’s yours?

Now, watch the video…

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