Monday, September 27, 2010

A Sad Conclusion…

Iran tests a nuclear weapon

Image via Wikipedia

I recently finished an article in Commentary magazine by Danny Gordis about the existential threat to Israel which Iran poses. (Sadly, the article doesn’t seem to be available online yet).

After reading it, I’ve come to an upsetting conclusion.

First, the assumptions:

  1. Iran is actively seeking to build a nuclear weapon
  2. Iran’s leadership is comfortable with the idea of using a nuclear weapon against Israel, even if it means a retaliatory strike

Now, the conclusions

  1. the “international community” will not be able to create sufficient pressure on Iran to abandon its goals through sanctions or other diplomatic means. Some will want to avoid conflict, some will want to profit from dealing with Iran anyway.
  2. the US, at the present time, does not have the courage/willpower to engage Iran militarily to dismantle its nuclear infrastructure
  3. Israel has the most to lose of any country in the world if Iran gains the bomb
  4. Israel is going to have to strike Iran militarily and suffer the self-righteous condemnation of others for its actions (and there’s no guarantee that the strike will be successful.)

Scary, I know.

Nothing like some light reading for Monday morning.

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