Monday, June 28, 2010

Newsflash! Consultants Validate God

The icon used by Apple to represent Podcasting.

Image via Wikipedia

I really enjoy listening to the HBR Ideacast podcast on my iPad (though, frankly, the Knowledge @Wharton series is, imho, of higher quality.)

I’ll just have them playing while I’m doing something like washing dishes, packing for a trip, etc.

The other day, I listened to one called “Making Time Off Predictable—and Required”

After a few minutes, I couldn’t help but start laughing.

The Boston Consulting Group had done a study with a client (and presumably made a lot of money in doing so) to prove the point that when people take regularly scheduled time off, they are better, more productive people.

As the interviewee went on and on, however, it became obvious to those who are familiar with the rules that Sabbath-observing Jews follow that she was basically describing what they/we/I do every single week.

I thought, “this is great. We’ve got one of the world’s largest and most respected consulting firms validating what God told Moses on Mt. Sinai."

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