Friday, June 18, 2010

It’s how you bounce back…

Speaking of sports, one of the things I find most inspiring and analogous to life is the lessons in mental toughness that it teaches us.

In life, there are days when things just don’t go our way. We lose a deal. Our boss is unhappy or demanding (mine always is!), we have a disagreement with a loved one….

but the key, it seems to me, is how you bounce back.

If you play a game and your team loses by 4 touchdowns or 30 points or whatever, you can naturally think “man, we’re a bad team.”

But, as they say, you can’t “let that get inside your helmet,” or it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

The great athletes/teams recognize that these things happen, grieve about them appropriately and then just put it behind them.

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