Sunday, May 23, 2010

Why I Do What I Do…

Dan Pink’s (client) new book DRIVE talks about “intrinsic motivation.”

What is it about is that…at a certain point…it’s not money that gets people going, it’s the feeling of reward you get.

Obviously, I have to feed my family/pay mortgage, etc., but you want to know the REAL reason why I do what I do?Jennifer Troxell

It’s because I love getting notes like this from Jennifer Troxell, VP of Marketing at Global 360 (client), after a recent presentation to their entire sales force.

“Thank you for inspiring us and bringing out the story that was there hidden and waiting to be unleashed to the world.

I can’t tell you how many incredible ideas and positive feedback I’ve heard throughout the day about our never stop marketing session today.”

Crazy as it may seem, it’s because I really love marketing and getting others to share in that passion.

That’s my intrinsic motivation.

BTW, Jen is an NSM Award winner and also a great video interview.

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