Friday, May 28, 2010

The People You Meet…

Relief map of Europe and surrounding regions

Image via Wikipedia

During my senior year of college, I was quite friendly with my Art History professor, Dr. Kessler.

One day, as I was mulling the options for the future, we went out to lunch.

I had the opportunity to go to Germany on the prestigious DAAD scholarship.

I also had the chance to pursue a career on Wall St., working at Morgan Stanley.

Dr. Kessler looked me in the eye and said, “you can go to Germany when you are 22 and you can go when you are 42. It’s just a helluva lot easier to go when you are 22. Wall St. will be here when you get back.”

Those few sentences pushed me to take the scholarship, which led to a year in Europe and non-stop weekends of train excursions all over the continent…at the expense of the German taxpayer (thank you, Deutschland).

And…it propelled me to apply for a scholarship to live in Japan for 2 years.

Today, I was thinking about the turns in my life, some of the random places I’ve had the good fortune to be, and the incredible people I’ve met in them.

A large part of that can be traced back to the few words of Dr. Kessler.

I dropped him an email today just to say thanks…

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