Thursday, April 15, 2010

“Some women marry women…”

The day after I explained sexual intercourse to my kids, I was confronted with another unique challenge.

After 18 years (since high school graduation), I was going to see a good friend of mine from my early years. She was coming with her wife (they are married in Massachusetts) and their 2 kids.

Now, I probably could have let the whole thing slide and they would never have asked, but I guess I was on a kick of “keeping it real” for them) and saw that this was another chance to help them understand the world beyond the walls of our house.

So, I shared that there are some women who marry other women and that some men marry men.

They seemed to take it in stride and that was the end of it.

Of course, I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I was glad that they didn’t ask the question that put the two discussions (sexual intercourse and lesbianism) together. That would have been a bit much ;-)

Note: for those of you who are wondering, the NFO approved of both conversations.

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