Monday, April 26, 2010

Internet Intimacy and the Work-Life Divide

One of the questions I am most often asked in my professional life is “should I keep my personal and business life separate” in a social media world?

I say no, since I view it as a “cutting yourself off at the knees” type action.

What Stefana Broadbent’s presentation How the Internet enables intimacy did for me was to help explain in a larger context what was going on…and why I was gravitating toward that position.

Her insights help us remember that the world of the “isolated workplace” is really the anomaly and now, thanks to technology, we are coming back to the way things were.

My favorite line was when she said, “people used to live on top of their workplaces” and I thought, “well, I work in my basement, so I guess I’m old school.”

The facts/ideas that I found most compelling were:

  • despite all of this technology, people talk to only 4-6 other people most of the time (that is, most people)
  • and her suggestion that schools are training kids for an anachronistic paradigm

I think it’s worth the view…

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