Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Man vs. Snow Travelogue, Part 2

…and sure enough, it was a fantastic finish.

We landed at 2.40pm (remember, the event where I am the keynote speaker starts at 3.30pm).

Yes, I know…I’m lame…I check baggage. I don’t really travel so lightly. I like to be prepared (I also bring giveaways for the crowd), so I had to wait at the baggage claim for what seemed like forever.

Justin, my local Never Stop Marketing fan in Minneapolis (he of the famous New York Times article), had graciously agreed to pick me up at the airport and was waiting outside.

Meanwhile, I was emailing/texting with the MS folks who wanted to know if I would make it.

FINALLY…and I do mean, finally, the bag arrived and I ran outside, saw Justin (the guy is smart since he owns a Hyundai Elantra as do I :-) and threw the bags in.

My guidance “drive as fast as you can without getting the attention of any authorities.”

And, wouldn’t you know it, at 3.11, I walk into the Microsoft office, ready to rumble.

Not usually my style, but we made it happen. Hey, when it’s out of  your control, I am pretty relaxed about it.

Of course, at 5.35pm, we were back in the car on the way to the airport for the flight to Cincinnati via Chicago.

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