Monday, February 01, 2010

How to Measure a Day…

A number of folks asked me following my work with Gretchen Rubin (client) whether I, too, had a Happiness Project.

And, if that was how I would look at my day and life.

While I do have a Happiness Project, I think my scoreboard at the end of the day is much simpler.

There’s a refrain among football fans about players who give their all on every play. It is, perhaps, the highest compliment around.

“He left it all on the field.”

When I lie down at night, I just ask myself that question.

Some days are more up than down, but it’s in the down moment (when you are sad or bummed), that you have the chance to really live life.

If I can honestly say, “yep, left it all on the field today,” then I declare victory.

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