Thursday, January 07, 2010

Stop Doing List…

I sat in on Dan Pink’s (client) New Year’s Day seminar which was, not surprisingly, very good.

As it was New Year’s Day, one of the ideas he shared was that, instead of New Year’s Resolutions (what will I START doing?) that we should (and would probably be better off, if we did) make STOP DOING LISTS.

The research, he suggests, supports an increased likelihood of success.

And I’ve read since then that something like 70% of Americans have a resolution about food or diet, so I’ll pile on to that stat.

My two Stop Doings.

  1. No more eating after 9pm at night
  2. No more taking seconds until 10 minutes have elapsed.

Feel free to chime in if you want the public accountability and support. Or humiliation, when I link back to this next year.

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