Saturday, January 09, 2010

Happiness in America…

Can’t hurt to try and be happier, can it?
Well, here’s a chance for the FOJ community (or for your friends in the right cities, I supposes.)
My client, Gretchen Rubin, is going on a national tour this month to promote her new book, The Happiness Project (and it hit #2 on the NYT best-seller list during its first week).

Gretchen is an amazing woman. She clerked for Sandra Day O’Connor, went to Yale Law School, and was chief adviser to a former FCC chairman. You got it, she’s not that bright ;-)

So, if you live in one of these cities (or want to ‘be the Connector’ to your friends there), you should go listen to Gretchen, meet her, and meet some of the folks who share their passion for her work and intellect.

Facebook Event Link
Jan. 13
Book Tour for the Happiness Project in Boston
Jan. 19
Book Tour for the Happiness Project in Chicago
Jan. 21
Book Tour for the Happiness Project in Denver
Kansas City
Jan. 20
Book Tour for the Happiness Project in Kansas City (my hometown)
Los Angeles
Jan. 25
Book Tour for the Happiness Project in Los Angeles
San Francisco/
Bay Area

Jan. 26
Book Tour for the Happiness Project in the Bay Area....
Jan. 27
Book Tour for the Happiness Project in Seattle...
Washington, DC
Jan. 18
Book Tour for the Happiness Project in Washington, DC

I’ll be at the DC event, of course.

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