Thursday, January 14, 2010

Cover Art for the Blook…

A “Blook” is a book based on a Blog.

Due to popular demand (ok, so my mom asked for it), I am in the final stages of putting one together.

A number of people said, “hey, I’m a Raving Fan of your blog and want an easy way to get ‘up to speed,’ without hitting the “back” button over and over again.”

So, I’ll be self-publishing “It’s All on the Blog, Don’t Buy the Book” and, of course, making it available for you to buy (but you shouldn’t since it’s all on the blog).

Of course, if you really want to, I won’t stop you.

Here’s the latest rev of the Cover. Feel free to weigh in via comments, email, or voting.





How I feel about the Cover Art...


The artist, btw, is Jonny Goldstein, founder of Envizualize, an information design consultancy that helps people picture strategic and tactical success.

You can follow him on twitter at @envizualize


Post was written while listening to...Mozart, Turkish March

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