Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Channukah concert and the joy of kids…

A few weeks ago, I took my kids to a Hannukah concert.

There were two very special elements to it.

First, the lead singer was Doni Zasloff who has the unique distinction of being my first girlfriend ever. ;-) Her band and music are just phenomenal, judging from the prestigious award they won.

But, more than that, was the way that my kids responded.

I don’t remember ever seeing them get up and dance in such a pure, innocent way as I saw that day.

I also don’t remember feeling so happy by the fact that they were so happy. They were on the stage, singing, dancing, hugging. Even Nadia was bouncing up and down like a little kid (oh wait, she is a little kid).

Seriously, just a great moment when you FEEL the emotions of your kids through you.

Video isn’t great, but here you go:

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