Thursday, October 01, 2009

When plane chats are good…

they can be great.

You’ve read the story of the unfortunate “Of course you do, you’re a Jew!” in Atlanta.

And, that was balanced out by my invigorating conversation with Susanne about Swine Flu and other things.

Well, Susanne was kind enough to send me a copy of her book Who Do I Become When I Am No Longer Me?  and I will tell you this….I am richer for it.

The book is a collection of true stories from her work as a medical professional, helping people learn to live again after a massive change brought on by debilitating disease, accident, etc.


Perfect for this time of year (in the Jewish calendar, at least) when self-reflection is paramount.

When I was first diagnosed with thyroid cancer, I remember my reaction was “why not me?”

We tend to think that these things only happen to “other people,” but they can (and we know full well, do) happen to us.

What happens then?

If you are a dancer and you can’t move your legs…who do you become?

If you are a social networker and you can’t talk or type, then what?

A foodie who can’t cut vegetables anymore?

You get my drift.

Stepping back to think about those things helps you appreciate the moments you have, because, it’s cliche, but things change in an instant.

See? Plane chats are great things.

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