Sunday, October 04, 2009

It’s the bank’s fault…not mine.

While traveling in New Jersey a few weeks back, I flipped on the CBS morning news show during the exercise routine and saw a segment on how some people were responding to the news that they were being foreclosed upon.

What do they do?

They literally rip out EVERYTHING in the house and sell it., leaving only an empty shell.

But that wasn’t the worst part for me.

One woman, about 55 years of age, was defending her decision to sell things (hinges from doors, light switches, etc.) by saying,

“It’s not my fault. The bank gave me a loan they shouldn’t have.”


Sometimes when I yell downstairs to Paco and say “time to come up for dinner!", he will run up and slip on something, hurting his knee.

Then, he’ll say, “YOU made me do that!” as if my request that he come upstairs was responsible for his slipping and bumping his leg.

So, when someone says, “well, I took out a loan, promised I would make the payments, but now that I find that I can’t afford the payments, so it is someone else’s fault,” that’s going a bit too far for me.

Thank God, I’ve never been foreclosed on. I’m sure it’s an emotionally draining experience and far from unpleasant. I can possibly understand that one might react by saying, “I’ll sell everything to get back at them,” not because it is right (it’s not), but because sometimes we do things when we are angry that we wouldn’t otherwise do.

But, to say that  you’re not the one responsible for putting yourself in that predicament? Ridiculous. Or, as my brother Asher would say, “Ridonkulous!”

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