Friday, September 25, 2009

Things you learn as you age…


Image via Wikipedia

If you are one of those people who likes to say “TMI'” ('Too much information) for whatever reason…this post isn’t for you. See you next time. You’ve been warned.

I was at the Urologist the other day and was diagnosed with Prostatitis. This is the 3rd time I’ve had this condition.

I wouldn’t say it’s excruciatingly painful, but definitely severely uncomfortable.

Part of the diagnostic process involves an examination of the prostate, which may actually be more uncomfortable than the infection it is trying to diagnose.

Now, unfortunately, I have experience and know what to expect, but I hearkened back to a day when I was 22 and couldn’t figure out what the nature of the pain in my groin area was all about.

After having to explain to the mother of my girlfriend at the time (I was spending the summer in their house in Rochester, NY) what was going on, she referred me to a Urologist at Strong Memorial Hospital.

He comes in, instructs me to drop my pants and asks me to cough.

“No big deal,” I thought. I’d been there before.

Then, he says, “Ok, I am going to examine your prostate now.”

I had NO idea what he meant.

“Turn around,” he says.

“Turn around?!”

“Bend over, please.”

“Bend over?!!”

“I am going to press on your prostate, tell me if it hurts.”

At this point, I have tears in my eyes and yell out,


Today, as I was leaving the office, the nurse looked at me and I just said,

“I’m sorry, but I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that.”

Ah, the parts of life you don’t learn in school.

And the worse part? (aside from the $130 medication is the fact that I have to cut back on spicy foods (which I love) and coffee (which I consider a food group).

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