Friday, September 18, 2009

Some nice feedback from friends…

One of the things I love about my current “job” is the opportunity to change the way people think about a few, key things.

I was really touched to get a phone call the other day from a self-described “Raving Fan,” Zakia who just said “I just really love what you write about on your blog (”

And then, the same day…it was a good day for me… I got the following note from another friend about reading the blog had changed his job search prospects for the better.

Here's a small endorsement of one of your mantras. Thought you might like it. (Feel free to use it anonymized.)

I have had "be remarkable" on the brain for the last few weeks while doing some old-fashioned job hunting. Seeing the phrase over and over in your tweets has pounded it into my head so much that it came to me this afternoon at a moment when it mattered.

A couple weeks ago I was rec'd for a job by someone I worked with last year. That got me a phone interview, and then they gave me a sort of take-home test (the job is, in part, data-intensive). I turned in the test, got a "thanks" email, then heard nothing. I followed up a week later and still heard nothing.

I finally got an update email today, saying they're still in process and have been busy on "a couple of big projects that are coming to a head."  This seemed sort of discouraging -- if they'd really liked me in the interview and liked my work on the test, they would've hired me and I'd be helping on those "big projects" right now, right? And job hunting is a fundamentally discouraging exercise. (As an aside, you might be shocked to hear how many people simply stop communicating, despite polite follow-up, even after taking

But "be remarkable," right?  So instead of archiving the update and waiting another week or two, I got cheeky, and replied: "Thanks, [firstname]. Want any help with those projects?"

His reply: "Be careful what you offer, I might take you up on it!  Actually, most of the projects are a little hairy right now, but if I can think of a good way to take you up on your offer, I won't hesitate."

Now, maybe I'll get the job and maybe I won't. But in his update email, the employer gave me a small opening -- an opportunity to improve my position.  And I took it, because I had "be remarkable" running through my head.

So thanks for improving me by being so damn repetitive.

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