Thursday, September 03, 2009

First day of Kindergarten…

Cover of "Sunrise, Sunset"

Cover of Sunrise, Sunset

Do you remember your first day of Kindergarten?

I am pretty sure that I remember mine.

Well, last week, we sent the Tonka off to her first day.

Did I bawl uncontrollably? No.

But, I did tear up.

Cliche as it might be, I thought back to the day she was born.

It was definitely a “Sunrise, Sunset” moment as Josh Levin pointed out in the subsequent Facebook discussion on the topic.

The NFO drove her to school and the two of us connected through the windshield. It was one of those moments that only parents can share and the look said everything about what we were feeling.

I waved to the Tonka in the backseat, thinking that this was just another big step in her growth process and in my doing my job of creating a self-reliant, independent human being.


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