Friday, August 07, 2009

You are only 4 once…

Though Paco’s birthday is next week, yesterday was the day we celebrated at his camp/school with his friends.

The NFO is a wizard at birthday party creativity and we read a story, sang songs (which we recorded and I am now in the process of burning to CD), did a project, and, of course, had cake.

Somewhere along the line, while chasing after Gianni, taking pictures, taking video (I’m such the suburban/yuppie dad, no?), some words rang out in my mind.

I don’t know where I heard them said most recently, but it was in regards to Paco.

“You only turn 4 once.”

And I looked at this growing boy, sitting amongst his classmates, thinking about the moment of his birth, when he first obtained the nickname he still has, and why we chose to name him as we did.

My mom always has said, “The days are long, but the years are short” and once again, this has proven to be true. (Bonus: if you are up for a good cry, check out Gretchen Rubin’s short movie by this same title: THE YEARS ARE SHORT)

Sunrise, sunset, etc.

Here we are.

Another life milestone.

Just marking it.

Thanks for joining us on the ride.

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