Thursday, August 20, 2009

What the 3rd child doesn't know...

is that you've been there before.

Gianni has recently started throwing some tantrums.

She's also got a look in her eye that says "I am testing you and testing boundaries."

What she doesn't realized is: we're not fazed.

We've "been there, done that."

She'll lie down in the middle of the kitchen floor, cry, kick her legs, etc.

Know what we do?

Lift her up and just move her to another room, put her face down there and let her scream.

Matter of fact. All business. Ok, have your tantrum and we'll move on, but no need to disturb the peace in here.

We've seen this and we're unmoved, so good luck.

As a father, I want to teach her to innovate any way, it's a critical Darwinian skill, right? (need to adapt to your environment), so I'm sure this behavior will morph into something uniquely her own, but for now, she hasn't yet figured out that the strategies she's employing have been met before.

In effect, she's fighting the last war. ;-)

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