Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Want to stay savvy?

Befriend a 14 year old.

We had my cousin’s daughter stay with us for a week as a “mother’s helper” type.

She was great for that, of course, but it was fascinating to see how she uses technology.

Sure, she’s a “digital native” and all that, but it was most interesting to see how our world paradigms were different.

Best example?


Want to hear a song of your choice? Where do you go?

She went to YouTube.

Every song is up there with either the accompanying video or just the lyrics.

YouTube is her radio station.


She watches her shows online as well.

There are others, but if you know a 14 year old, just sit behind them for 20 minutes as they do their tasks.

It’ll be some great consumer insight for you.

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