Monday, August 03, 2009

As if it never happened…

I was really moved the other day when reading Gretchen Rubin’s blog (full disclosure: client) where she challenged her readers to write about something as if it never happened.

If I had never met the NFO (that’s the codeword for my spouse), for example, I wouldn’t have 3 of the most amazing beings walking around my house teaching me how to laugh like a kid, how to cry as a parent, and how to think and behave like an adult.

I’d also be far less sensitive (that’s not to say that I am sensitive right now…just a bit more than I otherwise would have been.)

I’d also be less concerned with how my words affected the feelings of others. (Again, not a ninja master here with a long way to go, so you can imagine the impact that she’s had on me.)

And I’d be a far more poor communicator. (Do I still need all of these disclaimers? I think the point was I was like a neanderthal and now may be a Cro-Magnon or whatever the accurate move up the evolutionary chain is.)

Sometimes when we look at our lives, it’s easy to think that “this isn’t how I thought it would play out.” Or, “I’m stuck in a situation that isn’t what I want” and when we do that, we focus on the downsides, the challenging, the part that is unrewarding and we take for granted and ignore the wonderful elements that are part of the equation.

Not easy at all, but thanks to Gretchen’s suggestion, we have one step in the right direction.

BTW, her blog and forthcoming book (shameless plug) are called The Happiness Project and you can pre-order your copy here.

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