Friday, July 24, 2009

Not any ol' Tuesday...

Tonka really enjoys ballet and the other day I stopped by to watch her class through the glass window. I did the same for Paco on Thursday in his gymnastics class.

Somehow, the effect of the glass separating us created a feeling of greater distance for me, as if I was watching it from another dimension.

Sounds a bit weird, I realize, but in the past, all of the recitals I had attended were in the same room. We were conscious of each other.  This time, it was different and I felt the joy and the emotion of being the parent of this developing human being who was so obviously enjoying herself (and himself, for Paco).

Some days, I work so hard and there are moments when I'm exhausted and I question...why?

Then, I have a few minutes where I see the fruits of my labor, both financial (in terms of paying for the classes), but more so physical/spiritual in terms of  seeing them grow as people.

It's humbling and awe-inspiring.  It's gratifying as well. It's a cause for celebration as I realize that my kids are discovering things that they love to do...that they love life and love exploring new horizons.

Taking this momentary step back from the day to day grind and you realize that it's not always the huge, obvious lifecycle events that are required for the proverbial "smell the roses moment."
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