Wednesday, July 01, 2009

FB Fan Page: What’s In It For You?

I have been harsh in the past on people who seemingly invite their friends at random to a Facebook fan page or group.

That’s because it is usually done without much context or one of the key elements of community building within the Community Driven Marketing framework, namely:

“as a fan, what can you expect to get out of it?”

So, with that, it’s time to see if I can practice what I preach.

I’ve set up a Never Stop Marketing Facebook Fan Page and you are welcome/invited to join.

If you decide to join, what you will get out of it is:

  1. Updates about innovative ways I’m discovering to use Fan Pages for marketing purposes/benefit
  2. The opportunity to be a part of cutting-edge Facebook Fan Page marketing tests (would rather test it out with you than have you test it out on your customers/clients, right?)
  3. The chance to connect with other, like-minded individuals who share a passion for marketing and discovering how to thrive in a billion-channel, socially networked, attention economy where permission is the key asset (obligatory consultant buzzword quota is now met).

It’s very much a perpetual beta approach and would love to have you join me in the voyage.

Never Stop Marketing
Never Stop Marketing
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