Monday, June 01, 2009

"What's a Pipe?"

An Indian workers stacks sections of pipe prio...Image by AFP/Getty Images via Daylife

It's incredible how much about the way the world works that we take for granted.

Was walking both kids to school and we talked to some men working on the sewer repair/maintenance in our neighborhood.

I began to explain sewers and used the word "pipes."

Tonka said, "what's a pipe?"

Which began a discussion that led to "what's metal?" and "what is grass made of?"

I loved their curiosity and desire for knowledge.

A few weeks ago, while reading Dan Pink's blog, he mentioned a new show on PBS called "Sid, the Science Kid."

I started DVR'ing it and now, it's one of their favorites. They've taken the inquisitiveness to heart.

Now playing: Curtis Mayfield - Superfly
via FoxyTunes
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