Monday, June 15, 2009

Unexpected Emotion

Last Thursday was Tonka's graduation from nursery school (which I shared via Facebook--and no, nothing is sacred, Robin).

Initially, I was focused on the logistics of the day and then on the mechanics of getting enough pictures to sufficiently commemorate the day.

But, at some point, I put the camera down and saw the NFO standing and watching the scene.

I walked over to her and put my arm around her and had a flashback to a day 5.5 years ago when our first child was born.

And I thought, "THIS is one of those lifecycle moments in which you mark time." I just looked at the girl on the stage, singing, dancing, getting her diploma and remembered when I held her in my arms for the first time, sobbing uncontrollably.

And I began to tear up and get choked up.

It wasn't the blink of an eye, that's for sure, but in hindsight, it is pretty remarkable how fast things seem to go.
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