Thursday, June 25, 2009

Taking 15 Friends to a Baseball Game…

Image of Todd Sherbacow from Facebook

Image of Todd Sherbacow

fb meeting

Thanks to Todd Sherbacow, I had the chance to see the Red Sox play the Washington Nationals the other night in what ended up being a record-setting attendance in DC.

While at the game, I took out my phone to update my Facebook status and Todd’s wife said, “I hate those things.”

Moments later, I showed her how my status update had become a “social” experience which I shared with 15 people who added their thoughts to my initial questions of

“going to see nats v bosox, wearing a red sox hat, am i a dc traitor?”

What’s more, Andy Williford, who I had not seen personally in 5 years or so, commented that he, too, was at the game, and gave me his seat location.

As luck would have it, we were in the same section.

We reconnected, did a little business (both making introductions to other network members as a result), and I got to meet his mom and dad!

It’s easy to say, “who cares about the trivial stuff like going to a baseball game?” but it is in those short moments of humanity and sharing that connections are made…and in-person relationships can be renewed.



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