Thursday, May 07, 2009

Seeing it for the last time...

As a parent, it's easy to know when you are seeing something for the first time.

First steps, first tooth, etc.

It's not always easy to know when you may be seeing something for the last time.

The kids go to a nursery school that is 2 blocks away. When the weather is nice, we walk.  Every so often, they like to "race" each other on the sidewalks on opposite sides of the street. (Can't imagine where that competitive gene came from.)

The other day, they wanted to do that.

As I watched them run, I took a "mental snapshot."

With 6 weeks left of school and the Tonka going to a different location next year, I realized that this might be the last time that I EVER see them do this.

(I don't take them every day, sometimes the weather doesn't allow for walking, sometimes they don't feel like doing it.)

Got me choked up...and gets me choked up now.

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