Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Old School Blog Diary Post...

Sometimes, as a blogger, you just need to blog in order to document for historical significance.


This is one of those times. No hard feelings if you click away on this one. This post is for my kids and me.


Phase 1

Sat. night, 10pm EST-depart Chicago by minivan (Honda Odyssey)

Sun. morning, 9:30am EST-arrive in metro DC area

Total Sleep: 0 hours


Phase 2

Sun morning-nap for 2 hours

Sun afternoon, unpack and recover after 4 days away.

Prepare for trip the next day (out and back to SFO).

Plan to go to bed at 7pm.

Phone crashes. Need  to reset, reinstall.

While repairing phone, hear the all too familiar “gurgling” in basement bathroom that indicates back-up of sewer.

Call WSSC emergency hotline (on Easter Sunday).

Crew arrives and works until 11pm (thankfully resolving issue)

Go to bed at 11.30pm


Phase 3

Wake up at 3.50am

Drive to Dulles, take flight to SFO

Nap: 2 hours


Phase 4

Spend Monday in SFO with client, see 4 friends as well.

Total time on ground: 13 hours


Phase 5

Redeye back to DC

Arrive 7am at Dulles

Nap time: 4 hours


Phase 6 (in progress)

Try to be helpful with kids, around house, and catchup on work.

Looking forward to 7.30pm crash time tonight.



60 hours of activity, 8 hours of sleep, ~6k miles, 6 states, 3 timezones, 1 crashed phone, 1 backed-up sewer drain, 3 kids.


For some, this is no big deal, but I’m not one of them.

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