Thursday, April 30, 2009

Lapel Pin Collection...

CONCORD, NH - JANUARY 7:   A lapel pin with th...Image by Getty Images via Daylife
One of my hobbies is collecting lapel pins.

Granted, the pace of acquisition has slowed recently, but I have 643 pins from all over the world. I know where I got them, when, and the story behind them. Each one serves as a memory of a person, place, or event.

It began when I was 7 years old and my parents took us to England for the summer. Always clamoring for a souvenir, the lapel pin made the most sense. It was easy to transport, relatively inexpensive, could be found quickly (near the cash register).

So, during my travels, I picked up a lot of them and every now and then, when I am somewhere unique, I get one. Kind of a physical diary of my life (in Excel, of course).

I've also found that friends have lapel pins that are sitting in drawers being put to no good use.

So, if you'd like to have a place in my collection (you will be noted as such), let me know and send as many as you like over.

And, next time you're at my house, remind me to show the collection to you.

Now playing: Peter, Paul, and Mary - Light one Candle
via FoxyTunes

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