Sunday, July 20, 2008

At what price ‘social’ media?

Say you are Pro-Choice. Would you buy a car from a dealer (assuming it was the best deal you had found, of course) if you knew the owner gave money to Pro-Life causes?

What about the reverse?

What about someone who supports Obama? or McCain? Or Hamas? Or enables Chinese suppression of Tibet?

Was talking to someone who sells products online the other day.

He’s got very strong political views. He was expressing concern about how “open” one can ‘afford’ to be in social media, given that there are those who would punish you economically (i.e. not buy your product) if they knew your political opinions.

He said, “I’m not willing to sacrifice profits for social media,” so he’s keeping his opinions offline.

A nice discussion of this in the comments section of my buddy Adam’s blog.

What are your thoughts?

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