Sunday, June 01, 2008

A movie about a font...and more

Ever have one of those moments when you hear about something for the first time...and then hear about it again from a few different sources really quickly?

I was reading Garr Reynolds' review of "Helvetica" a few weeks ago and decided it was worth it to add to my queue.

The next day, my dad told me had seen it. Then, a friend mentioned she had seen it.

You'd think that a movie about a font, er, typeface wouldn't be that exciting...well, you'd be wrong.

Encouraged by my client, Dan Pink's, 2nd book, my pursuit of right-brain development is in full swing, so understanding how a typeface makes an impact on its audience isn't so ridiculous.

The best line:

"Even though a typeface is legible, doesn't mean it communicates."

When you dig down into a detailed world such as typefaces and appreciate how they are omnipresent...and how they influence your reaction (or don't), it's really enriching.

Still not clear on the difference between Serif and Sans Serif (though I suppose a quick Wikipedia search will solve that...and yes, I know what 'sans' means!)

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