Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Mind of the Child...

While the NFO was napping this AM, I had the privilege of watching the three kids.

Gianni was quiet and eventually napping and Paco decided, too, to lie down.

That left Tonka and me.

She said, "Will you play with me?"

Sensing that "Mental Snapshot" moment, I of course said yes.

Soon, we were cutting up Lincoln Logs with plastic Disney knives and placing Princess plates under a booster seat....making imaginary cookies.

First off, I cherished the vivid imagination that she displayed.

Second, for a moment, I really let myself go. I wasn't 'playing along,' I allowed myself to get immersed in the game and see it through her eyes. I think she sensed it, because she responded well to my questions of "do we really need that much butter?" and "what about using this as a rolling pin?"

Later in the afternoon, I began a new book called Presentation Zen and the author highlighted the beauty that is the child's mind. I don't have the exact quote in front of me, but it was something along the lines of:

"A child's mind sees many possibilities. An expert's mind sees only one way."

He stressed that in achieving creativity and envisioning, you need to approach things (at least initially) with the innocent mind of the child.

I felt like I knew what he meant...and were those cookies delicious!

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