Sunday, April 06, 2008

Medical Opinion vs. Mother's Intuition

Seven years ago, my brother-in-law was a Pediatric ER resident.  He would often complain about his 12 hour shifts and how tired he was.

At one point, I said, "I'm tired of your moaning about work, I am coming on the job with you."

So, I joined him on a 7pm-7am "graveyard" shift one Saturday night/Sunday morning (well let's call it a 7pm-6.20am since I crashed on a couch in the staff lounge.)

I had the scrubs, the stethoscope, and was assisting in basic procedures (like holding supplies) while seeing patients.

We did have 3 traumas come in within a 20 minute period, which was crazy, but the eye-opening part of the experience was how 99% of the cases presented could be diagnosed with

"It's a virus. There's nothing I can do. Go home and get some rest."

By the end of the night, I was making the diagnoses.

As a result of that night, I tend to think that when my kids get sick, "it's a virus," and there's no reason to  go to the doctor.

The NFO doesn't subscribe to that philosophy.

Last week, Tonka 'presented' with some symptoms and the NFO said, "I think she may have strep throat, let's get her to the doctor." (Note: in my house 'let's' means 'you', but I digress)

I took the Tonka in, told the pediatrician the story above. She said, 'it's probably a virus, but we'll do a culture anyway."

They did a rapid test, it was negative. The MD confirmed virus, but did say "we'll do the overnight culture as well."

Know what happened the next morning?

The pediatrician's office called and confirmed what the NFO knew all along!

Tonka's on anti-biotics and is doing much better now.

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