Thursday, April 24, 2008

Meatball Sundae (Book)

Any longtime reader of this blog knows one thing for sure. I am a huge fan of Seth Godin. And his newest,

Meatball Sundae: Is Your Marketing out of Sync?, continues to inspire.

The concept in this one is that "meatballs" are a traditional business selling generic products. We know how to make them efficiently and for the masses.

The sundae part is the "web 2.0" sexy stuff that some companies attempt to sprinkle on top to get the feel of being hip, e.g. a blog, without changing the underlying product to conform to the 'new marketing.'

I'm working on a bit more detailed review for the Igniting the Revolution blog to be published in the next few weeks, but for now, I'll say this. If you want to understand how the fundamentals of the game have  changed in terms of company-customer/consumer relationship, Seth, as usual, is your man.

And, for your video in-flight, entertainment, here's Jackie (she of the Metamucil Assist) doint her video of a "Meatball Sundae."


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