Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Leash the Dog!

I know there are a lot of big time dog lovers out there. I know I'm not one of them.

Also know there's a chance I'll get you upset.

So be it.

I'm a runner.

I have a hard time understanding dog owners who don't leash their dogs in the park (when required to do so) and when those dogs are prone to bark or chase runners. I guess the law doesn't really apply to you, does it?

It's even worse when I have a kid (or two) with me in the jogging stroller.

If your dog is completely passive, then, I guess it's not the worst thing, even though you still consider yourself above the law, right?

Anyway, it irritates the hell out of me and I've gotten to the point where I'll say, "shouldn't the dog be on a leash?"

Responses vary, as you would expect.

Of course, I do go out of my way to say "thank you for leashing the dog," when appropriate.

Rant over.

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