Thursday, April 03, 2008

Keeping in touch...

I know I've got a different approach than most when it comes to keeping in touch with distant friends (time/space).

But, there are a few folks who really do a good job of providing high value updates, even if they are infrequent.

My ol' buddy from Japan, Steve Wechsler, did just that today. I provide the below, with permission, as an example of a solid update that doesn't take a long time.

Just wanted to check in and see how you're doing as a family of 5. Having a 3rd child has been described to me as "It doesn't cry and less, you just hear it less". That being said, our 3rd, has been a pretty easy baby. She's now 10.5 months old.

We just got back from 5 days in Florida and it was good to get away and spend some time in the warm weather. The kids enjoyed being in shorts and swimming every day.

Following your email about your seeing Carnie and Paulie in St. Louis, Ken Hartman emailed me. We had lunch a few weeks ago. He works only a few blocks from here.

Well done. I think we can all learn from Steve's approach. Brief, but filled with content.

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