Saturday, April 12, 2008

Holocaust Survivor and a Dose of Perspective...

I read Torah every few weeks at a local synagogue (not the one I usually attend).

This morning, while I rolled Tonka in the stroller, I was feeling a bit low, given my rough week.

When I arrived, I saw that the entire service was being led by the synagogue youth group. They were doing a fine job, but I definitely thought, "whoa, I'm feeling down, but whatever is going on with me, puberty is far worse!"

But, that's not the story I want to tell...

The real story is that in the middle of the service the Rabbi calls up one of his congregants, Nessie Godin, to announce her upcoming 80th birthday.

Nessie is somewhat well known in the DC Jewish community for her Holocaust-memorial related activities. She also happens to be the grandmother of one my high school classmates.

The Rabbi turns to the congregation and says:

"Some of you may know that Nessie is a Holocaust survivor and I bet there were times when she never thought she would make it to 80 years old."

Then, Nessie begins speaking. She's got an authentic, eastern European accent that added to the moment.

"You know, I look around today and I see all of these beautiful children leading the service and showing how much they love their religion. And it makes me really feel like we had a victory over Hitler."

My job of reading Torah wasn't done yet, but I was choked up. The woman in the 2nd row was crying. Just one of those moments to keep it real.

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