Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Bring optimism to a battered woman on Mother's Day...

Not  that my blog is the biggest or the baddest, but from time to time, I get requests from people that say, "hey, will you put this on your blog?"

Most of the time, there's really no context and it just proves to me that  they don't really read the blog.

However, sometimes, I get a note that just touches me and really is a worthwhile cause.

My longtime friend, Roz, works at Jewish Women's International focused on raising awareness and doing something regarding violence against women.

They have a meaningful Mother's Day activity where you can send a card/flowers to a woman in a shelter and bring some light to their lives.

It's not an expensive proposition, but it's clear from the testimonials that it means a lot.

Need to act fast, orders must be in by May 5th.

From Roz:

Supporting the Flower Project is easy: Just visit the Flower Project online contribution page to make a secure donation online. In case that link doesn't work, please go to (You can also learn more about the project and see the card JWI will send to your honorees.)

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