Sunday, March 30, 2008

Waiting for Godot...

Some of you have been on the Friends of Jer (FOJ) list for over 15 years.

I was reading an email I sent out 11 years ago that said there were 140 people on the list (today, over 900). The thing is, the email was printed out on paper.

Despite my digital lifestyle, I am a bit of a bind.

Having traveled so much, changed computers, suffered crashes, etc., much of my earlier writings are gone in a digital format (this was before I understood the importance/ability of backing up and blogging!)

Anyhow, my dear mom had printed most of them out. She recently gave them to me.

They are in a pile in my 'man cave." A huge pile.

I am waiting, like Godot, for the day to come when I can have a massively high-speed scanner to cost-effectively (and with text recognition) put everything back into digital form.

I know the day will come...with technology, it usually does.

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