Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Scariest Night of Marriage

Got off the Nordic Track after watching The Departed last night and heard the NFO screaming for me.

Like your kids, you just know the different types of screams...and this one was sincere.

I shot upstairs to find her shivering and crying on the couch.

She was holding Nitzahn (aka the Parmesan) and hadn't put her down for "fear of dropping her."

Ultimate diagnosis: Mastitis. Treatable by anti-biotics.

But that was the end.

Between the two, however, I had to literally carry the NFO up the steps (she couldn't walk), needed to call the OB at 1am, and pump her full of Advil/Tylenol.

In our 7 years, I don't think I'd ever had a moment where I was this genuinely concerned for the health of my wife and man, it was intense.

Made me think...this is only the beginning. Sure, we're (relatively) young now, but as we age, it'll just get more and more challenging for us and we'll have more of these moments.

But, I never thought that yesterday, we'd run into this.

It's so scary to have the person you love be so powerless. But it is the reality of marriage.

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