Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Paternity Leave...

Say what you will about Microsoft, but when it comes to being an enlightened company, we've got it right.

New fathers get 1 month of paid paternity leave.

Yesterday, I picked up Paco at school at 1, took him to the park, got him a bagel, and went to the grocery store.

At 3:30, picked up Tonka, took her (I'd promised a 1 on 1 father/daughter outing) to see our Aunt Susan's new apartment (it's fabulous, a challenge since it was my grandparents apartment) and then to see her new male cousin.

Today, went to Paco's Purim Sing-a-long, where we convinced him to wear his tux as his costume. Very cute!

Totally made the time count and that made me feel good.

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