Thursday, March 27, 2008

Painful Moments in Parenting...

It's not the middle of the night requests for blanket adjustment or water.

It's not the incessant demands for "pasta" or whatever.

It is when your kid is just over the top exhausted and there's nothing you can do.

Paco had a long day yesterday. He was at the playground, running around, and things were great.

Until about 5.45pm.

Recently, we've either taken him off his nap entirely or just let him go for an hour (otherwise he's up until 9pm), but yesterday's no nap and severe activity made for a potent combination.

He was inconsolable and out of control. He hit the NFO a few times (he was redcarded for that one) and wouldn't calm down. Eventually, I had to put him in the shower (something he doesn't like), but usually gets him to take a deep breath.

No dice.

Poor guy just lost it.

I wasn't angry or worked up or stressed because, at that moment, you know there is nothing you can I just held him, hoping it would make things better.

It didn't really.

Eventually, I compelled him (by any means necessary, right?) into the bath and got him into bed.

3 minutes later, it was lights out.

Rough. Very rough.

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