Monday, March 24, 2008

Childhood Memories...

Think back to your childhood.

There must be certain snapshots of your homelife, of carefree days that are etched in your memory that represent those moments in time.

When you think of the house in which you grew up, what images do you see?

Yesterday was a glorious day and in a break from "taking back the house," I took Paco and Tonka outside.

We kicked the ball around, collected some sticks, and climbed the tree in the front yard.

Then, somehow, they got the idea of doing laps around the house.

I sat on the bench in the front yard and for a few seconds, I didn't see or hear them, and then in a flash, they were there, laughing and running.

I wondered (and hoped) that this memory would become one of the seared images of their childhood.

And if it did, I would feel pretty good about that.
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